RHP Insight Course List

2024 Chronic Disease Curriculum – Post Test

2024 Chronic Disease: Type ll Diabetes Mellitus (05)

2024 Chronic Disease Curriculum – Pre Test

2024 CFM Core: Population Health Management – It’s More Than Just Seeing Patients (30)

2024 CFM Core: Today’s Physician – Stakeholder and Leader for Sustainable Change (29)

2024 CFM Core: Dousing the Flames of Burnout (28)

2024 CFM Core: Understanding the Basics of the Business of Medicine (27)

2024 CFM Core: The Preoperative Assessment – Step One in Effect Care Transitions (25)

2024 CFM Core: A Strategic Compliance Plan for Documentation, Coding and Billing (24)

2024 CFM Core: Documentation, Coding and Billing for Home/Residence Places of Care Delivery (23)

2024 CFM Core: The Healthcare Disparities Primer (19)

2024 CFM Core: Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) – Uncovering a Key Player in Healthcare Outcomes (18)

2024 CFM Core: Clinical Applications for Telehealth (16)

2024 CFM Core: Correct Documentation, Coding, and Billing of Dermatology Procedures in Primary Care (15)

2024 CFM Core: Dermatology Integration in Primary Care (14)

2024 CFM Core: Behavioral Health Integration (BHI) in Primary Care – The Psychiatric Collaborative Care Model (11)

2024 CFM Core: Care Mgmt – Home Health and Care Plan Oversight Authorizations (10)

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On the “My Courses” page, click on the “Login” button and then click on “Lost Your Password?” in the popup box and you will be sent a link where you can reset your password and then login.

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Resetting your password is only required for your initial visit to the site and you will not need to repeat the process in the future (unless you forget your password).