Using Social Media Marketing To Develop Your Authority

Having a brand is one of the most important parts of success. It is not enough to simply have an account, in order for true success you will need to have  authority.  

In essence, a brand is how your audience perceives you. It is how you are portraying yourself and how they are receiving it. This brand will be based on who your audience is; taking into account their demographic features, including but not limited to age, location, education, interests, beliefs, needs, and values.     

Throughout the business process, you want your audience to develop brand awareness, brand recognition, and ultimately brand authority. Building a good relationship with your audience is one way to achieve this.      

Developing your brand will mean that your audience has something to associate with you it will allow them to build a connection with your business and, ultimately, become a loyal customer. And, as we all know, loyal customers are a fantastic way to build a successful business. 


Social media can be a very visual medium. Having bad aesthetic and visual elements is a number one sign of unprofessionalism and can easily bring down a brand– especially with how easy it is but these little things to be consistent. 


You need to have cohesive aesthetics. This means having logos, colors, and fonts that all match each other and are consistent across your profiles. If you have not updated your visuals in a while it may be a good thing to start doing. It is an easy way to update your marketing strategy. Any profile pictures and cover photos should also be the same. A potential consumer should be able to open any of your social media profiles and know immediately that they belong to the same person. 

This is imperative because brand recognition is one of the most important pillars of the marketing strategy, and aesthetics is one simple way to encourage this to occur. One way to think about this could be to look into your favorite brands, and think about the associations that popped into mind when you see them: is it colors of type, a certain style of post, whatever it is, you need to have your own image of what you want people to think about you. Developing a brand vision board could help you with this and ensure that it all stays cohesive  

Voice and personality 

A big part of the marketing strategy should be determining the personality and the persona of your brand. This then informs the tone of your interactions with your audience. 

Some things you can think about in order to flesh this out specifically include: 

  • If the brand was a person, what is their personality? 
  • What is not the personality?
    • Make a list of adjectives of the things you do want and the things you do not want to be associated with the brand
  • What kind of relationship are you trying to build with your audience?
    • For example, a friend, authority figure, teacher, expert, etc. 
  • What kind of associations do you want people to have with your business?   
  • Look at other examples of brands (perhaps ones that you like!), as well as brands that are similar to yours and see how they interact with the audience and what sort of person they are trying to be.  

Your brand will be incorporated into many phases and areas of your business as a whole, not just the marketing strategy. For this reason, your brand is pivotal to your success.   

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