The Power Of Effective Content

Praesent tincidunt lacinia euismod. Ut varius lectus sed felis consequat, sed iaculis dolor pharetra. Nulla elementum scelerisque nisl, a venenatis orci rutrum sed. Nunc feugiat enim ac auctor porta. Fusce a finibus ligula.

Ut eu ullamcorper justo. Curabitur pulvinar malesuada euismod. Nam venenatis orci elementum scelerisque sagittis. Cras scelerisque arcu nec ornare accumsan. Duis quis imperdiet tellus.

Sed erat augue, aliquet et sapien quis, fringilla volutpat arcu. In molestie felis in neque euismod, non consectetur massa elementum. Pellentesque justo ex, fermentum et magna ultrices, commodo congue quam.

Mauris vulputate pulvinar augue non commodo. Praesent non tellus faucibus, interdum magna ut, consequat ligula. Vestibulum a ligula ex.

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Your email on the RHP Insight is your username. (In some cases, this may be your business or personal email address.)  Please use that email to create a new password.

You can access the RHP Insight website via your email address.

On the “My Courses” page, click on the “Login” button and then click on “Lost Your Password?” in the popup box and you will be sent a link where you can reset your password and then login.

(Check your spam or junk folders if you don’t see the email within a minute or two.)

If the link is not clickable, you can copy and paste it into the browser url. Please note: copy it without the “<” and “>” brackets.

This will take you back to the website, where you will see a form with a machine generated, highly secure password. You can either choose to accept it, or create a new one by clicking in the box and entering your own password. Either way, be sure that you keep your password in a safe place in case you need to refer to it again in the future. When creating your password, be sure it is at least 10 characters long. It’s best to use at least one number, one Uppercase letter and one or more special symbols.

Acceptable symbols include:  ~    !   @  #   $   %   ^   &   *   (   )   –   _   =   +   [   {   }   ]   \   |   <   ,   .   >   /   ?

Resetting your password is only required for your initial visit to the site and you will not need to repeat the process in the future (unless you forget your password).